Last week my resolve dissolved and I ventured into my favorite quilt shop for a little fabric therapy. It is time to pick out fabric for the new Jo Morton club that will be starting in January anyway, so that makes it kind of a necessity, right? A short time later I emerged with a hefty parcel that would make a satisfying addition to my stash. Two, count them two bundles of Jo Morton Fabric, (yummy) and a few yards from the goat cart outside that were 40% off! Oh how lucky am I to have such a bunch of FABRIC! After all this is a semi planned purchase or at least the Jo Morton is.
"What do you need that for," my sensible self asks "didn't you just buy a bundle a few weeks ago?"
"Well yes, I did." my quilt/fabric addicted self replied, "but this is required for joining the CLUB. So therefore it is a planned purchase and was required."
Now of course this debate in my head will continue for days, until the aforementioned FABRIC is washed, ironed, prepared, and put away, then I will be at piece with my purchase and will be subconsciously planning the next.
From where stand it ain't that bad, this addiction to FABRIC. I mean really what is the worst that could happen? Therefore, I declare that as part of my New Year Resolutions I will buy FABRIC and enjoy doing so! Of course I will lose weight and get in shape too! After all isn't that required as well?