Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My newest start! A exercise of focus...

This magazine has been calling my name since it appeared on the news stand or more accurately at Barnes and Noble. For what seems like forever. I have picked it up and perused the 9-patch quilt saying "I can figure that out on my own, I don't need the magazine". Then I would say to myself "self, you have dozens of  9-patch patterns, what is so special about this one?"  Well let me tell you why this  particular  9-patch quilt has been singing its siren song to me. For a long, long time I have been admiring 9-patch quilts, but wasn't inspired to move in any particular direction. Then this particular quilt caught my attention with its blue setting fabric and that adorable little zig it does, it also helps that this is particular gem is a copy of an(a) antique quilt. That my friend, is enough to draw me in, I am hooked!

It also helps that I have 4 1/2 yards of this fabric that was just screaming "use me, use me"! So off we go. Now I am hoping to follow this project, like I always hope to with all the others, start to finish in a pretty straight forward fashion.  However, I hope not to, ooh-ohh, I want to do this or that...just use it as an exercise in focus, focus. Wish me well! I will update soon...

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