Sunday, October 27, 2013

Okay, then? Now what?

Well, okay, I survived my first stretch of days, five in fact. Though thinking about it, I still don't know what my job is? I mean I was trained, but pulled away from the training so many times that I am not sure that I was trained. Then I worked a shift that was supposed to be doing my job, but was told not to do my job. Then, I spent the entire shift being moved from one job to the next, but none of them were "My Job", until 30 minutes before I left and then I was put on "My Job". Curiouser and curiouser???? So near as I can figure "My Job" is to go where I am told and do what is there until I am moved to another job. 

I don't know if this is the way the job always is or not, but I'm sure it is not for me to be moved around in an ever changing circle. I have always prided myself on my ability to work independently and this new way of working is very strange and disconcerting to me. I guess I like to know when I get up in the morning what I will be doing for the day. I mean, how do you measure success when you don't know if you are doing "Your Job"? I mean am I doing what I was trained to do? Or am I so clueless as to what needs to be done that I have to be told what to do? I am relatively sure I am doing the job(s) well as I keep getting thanked by the bosses, but it is something to adjust to for sure. 

Luckily, I really enjoy the people I work with and although the work is hard, I do enjoy doing it. I will just have to acclimate to the new environment and enjoy the benefits of working physically hard while leaving independence in neutral. This is a good exercise for me, working as a member of a closely knit team. These experiences will add greatly to my knowledge and my life. After all, everything put in our paths is an opportunity and I am grateful for this.

Luckily for me, I haven't been just readjusting to life, I have also been quilting!
I have been working on Bonny Hunter's Pineapple Crazy,
from the book String Fling!

This is one of the 200+ blocks that have 45 five pieces. Luckily
I have lots of friends who have been generously providing me
with lots and lots of different scraps!
I printed the 200+  foundations for these blocks on any scrap paper I could find. I tried everything from phone book pages (can you say massive paper jam) to old yellow legal pads cut down to size (they worked surprisingly well).

Other projects I have been working on are a memory quilt for my great niece Ash.

These don't look like much, but they will be big flower
petals that will be the focus in the center of the quilt.
These petals are all made from her baby clothes.
I have also been working on signature blocks for a guild project. Our guild, Mystic Quilting Friends are making enough signature blocks so we can all make our own quilt.

Three down and a dozen or so to go!
I also found this neat cigar box at Goodwill, instead of cigars it had six "Hanker Chiefs" rolled like cigars.

I don't know yet what I will do with the Hanker Chiefs, but
the box holds my signature block parts perfectly.
Another guild project, it is all the rage
with our girls!
This technique was introduced by one of our guild members to use up our scraps. I can see lots being made for charity projects. This one is going on the back of my sofa to keep us warm in the coming Winter!

And finally, the almost finishes, the quilts to be quilted!

There are 8 or 9 quilts in this pile!
The top quilt in this pile is one I call simply "Bright" as you can see from the one under it I usually work with my quieter colors, but when my client was making her final journey I felt the need to work with bright hopeful fabrics. 

Well there, that was a long post! I guess, although I was not posting, there was still much going on. I hope you have enjoyed my little tale.

Have a great day! 


Monday, October 21, 2013

On Keeping Calm and Carrying On

Wow, it has been almost a year since I completed a post! What a year it has been? Today finds me rattled and nervous. Why you ask? Well, I have been on a roller coaster ride for about 2 months and I am not sure I am happy with where I am ending up.

Let's start from the pseudo beginning, the point of separation from "My Life", in short I lost my fairly well decent paying job. The job that paid all most of the bills and kept me in a sort of "Real My Life". You know I could buy some fabric and do a little me shopping for clothes and such, but primarily it paid for food, shelter, and the other costs of living. It allowed me a regular schedule I could count on and had provided a sort of balance that was doable in this ever worsening economy.

Now it was no one's fault that this job ended, it just ended. You see I am a home care provider for the elderly and those jobs end very abruptly. "Bam" and it is gone and so is my beloved client! So I absorbed a double blow, a lost job and the loss of someone I care very deeply for. I am not alone in this, it is simply just the way it is. Not really fair, but there you have it.

Okay, so now I am wondering why I am writing this? On one hand I would love people to understand the incredible work home care workers do and on the other hand I am, yes, feeling sorry for myself and trying to find my way back to solid ground. So, as for the home care workers, I say "Bravo". You sacrifice a great deal to provide this service and in doing so have no network of benefits or support. You go, you provide and when the job is over, you leave and that is it. It is up to you to hurry up and find more clients and enough income to carry on. And so I will take a pass on feeling sorry for myself and I will carry on - proud of the work I have done, happy for the rich experience I was allowed and the wonderful supportive family I became a part of.

Now at this point, after careful consideration and waiting for suitable clientele, I have decide to look elsewhere, everywhere, anywhere that there maybe vacation time, sick time, and retirement. After all, do I want to find myself in this situation again in a year, a week, a month from now? It is time for true stability, a job that lasts, a job that I can count on being there until I retire. Until then, I will make do. Until I find that elusive balance once again I will - "Keep Calm And Carry On" ! Well, at least I know I will "Carry On" and I will keep quilting!

Some of the many projects.
And quilting!

Have a wonderful and smile!